Busy Weekend....

Posted on 9:45 PM
I had a relatively busy weekend.
I spent Saturday from 1PM-2:30PM working on a case study presentation with my group --we're attacking the issue of Hazing. It was a really good discussion and I'm really excited we're working on this early.

Then Charlie and I went to Expresso Royale Cafe to write our Case Study Analysis due Tuesday. We sat there for a long time. From 2:30 until about 7:45PM. We hashed out our papers and only have a little bit left and editing! :) So proud of us. Plus, we were able to get Thai Kitchen for dinner. Delicious!

We then came back to ERC --- there wasn't anyone there because their expresso machine was out of commission - EPIC Fail. BUT, when we got back, they fixed it! :) We didn't stay too long.

I had to leave because I was on secondary duty at 9PM and had to be back at Williams.

TODAY was really hectic. I created the flyers to post up all around West Circle for the Career and Majors Exploration Campaign. The printer in Landon was out of color ink and I didn't know where the extra cartridges were. Went to the other color printer in another hall and found out the printer "lost connection" with the computer. So I had to go to Staples to buy my own color and black in for my printer to orint out one set.

Now i'm making a lot of copies. It's taking about 30 minutes for every set of 50 copies. :(


On the other hand, my supervisor just walked into the office and told me training went well tonight. It was short, simple, and sweet.

LOTs of things happened. I created Jeopardy questions and had everything ready, but didn't have internet connection in the Ivy Room to reload it. I was ready, but not. Jess got sick. Remember how the printers weren't working? Well, she made the handout and it was ready, but she didn't print them because of the printers. Fail. She ended up going to the hospital and left the meeting early. So Prohibitive Harassment training was all me. I had a lot of support from Scott. Nick, Audrey, and Kate were also very supportive. I was just frantic and a wreck. I'm a J (MBTI) and not having anything made me nervous. I typed up definitions and created some activities on the spot. It was all done in 45 minutes (Imagine a 1.5 hr presentation cut in half). I ended without doing Jeopardy, but just now came up with a good idea. I'm going to make a crossword/worksheet/essay sheet for Mentors/Staff and have them fill them out (optional) and turn them into me for cookies+candy. Yay! :)

I'm just really happy that people liked the training and told Kate and she told me. I feel good, but being a Maximizer (StrengthsQuest), I know I could have done it better. It was mediocre because it was on the spot, last minute.

Now I'm making copies and listening to the K-Ci and JoJo Radio on Pandora. Good music.

Much love and hugs,


Long time No Talk!!! 3 months!

Posted on 12:13 PM
Sorry that I have not been able to update my blog.

Lots of things have happened since the last post:

*I had a great summer in Bloomington, IN.
*I am now an Assistant Hall Director in Williams Hall - West Circle.
*I love my Senior Staff, Sub-Staff, and Hall Government!
*My BEST FRIEND moved to Switzerland.
*I'm a little behind on Academics.
*I've been to Atlanta to visit JPizzle with Dani!
*I am planning to present at a conference at UW-Madison.
*I have had to readjust my plans for Thanksgiving.


P.S. I miss Ambika.

About Me

Welcome to my blog! I'll have updates of my life, posts of random stories, thoughts, recipes, and ideas. TCU Horned Frog ('08) roaming through life....
