May 12, 2009

Let me tell you: I'm very indecisive about clothes and I'm pretty much taking all of my clothes to Indiana. Anything that is not winter and late fall is going with me.

I really don't enjoy packing. I have to pack several things separately: clothes for Texas, everything else for Indiana. Plus, I have to figure out storage. I'm going to be an Assistant Hall Director and am moving out of my apartment. I need to figure out what stuff is staying in East Lansing.

PLUS, there's a spider in my roooommmm!!!! I hate spiders! They have 8 legsssss!!! Oh my goodness, I can't get to my cabinet's/closet because it is in the way. Ughhh. This is going to delay my packing time. :(

Anyways, less than 2 weeks until Indiana!!! Only a couple of days away from Texas. It's going to be a long drive!

