Swine Flu
Aren't these piglets adorable???
My throat and stomach hurt. I'm pretty sure I'm okay. I'm just tired.
2 Weeks until I leave for Texas. I have to keep in mind that this 2 year old who just died from swine flu was a Mexican National from Brownsville, TX which is right at the border. He wasn't from Houston. He was taken to Houston to be treated.
I know that there are probable cases in Dallas.
I'm not tooooo terribly worried, but it is weird not to worry. I'm hoping that there isn't pandemonium. I just heard Ashleigh say that this reminds her of those movies...like 28 Weeks Later.
Keep in mind, in the US alone 36,000 people die from the regular flue yearly, that's about 99 per day. BUT we DO have the vaccination for three common flu viruses compared to ZILCH (0) for this Swine Flu. This is the only reason why I am worried just a tad bit.
Texas + Indiana
I don't know what to pack! Better yet--- I haven't even started and I only have 2 weeks before I get "evicted" from my apartment. I'm moving into a residence hall as an Assistant Hall Director - Woot! I am unaware of my placement until June. So i'll be moving some boxes to Meaghan's basement - she's super awesome!
I have to have a separate box for Indiana alone. I need to put in organization supplies, cooking supplies, and some school supplies. I plan on being very organized and productive this summer. I'm also thinking of taking a few "decorations" for my room this summer.
Texas = Home Sweet Home for 9 days. My mother told me yesterday, "Cleda, don't make appointments with other people--you are all mine. I need you in the stores and you need to be with family!" -- all of course in her Mandarin and some broken English.
I'm not going to make too many appointments.

Possibly Matt.
Sorority Sisters (11+).
Seeee...that's not too many in 9 days.
If I don't start packing today, I'm screwed. I need to get serious and motivated. I need to stop slacking.
Today's plan:
*After class, go to the Post Office to purchase a P.O. Box.
*The go home, take out the boxes from my car and take them into my apartment.
*Sort Laundry and do a couple of loads.
*While waiting for laundry, start organizing "papers" and recycle anything I don't need.
*Sort out kitchen stuff - put some extra foods/cans in bags to donate to the MSU Food Bank.
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